Welcome to Gumpp’s Comfort Kennel

Attention Customers!

We are in the process of updating out website and improving the form performance. For now, we are unable to take online reservations.

Please call the kennel, or email us your reservation details.

We hope to be back to accepting online reservations soon!

Your pet will be cared for like family! Our floors are heated for winter, and we have air conditioning for summer.

What to bring with your pet:

  • Bedding – blanket, small doggie bed, lounge chair pad, or rug (no large comforters, please)
  • Old T-shirt or article of clothing with owner’s scent (especially helpful if this is a first-time stay at our kennel)
  • Toys – chew toys, balls, frisbee (safely labelled, if possible)
  • Treats
  • Food – we encourage you to bring their food so there is no change in diet. It is better for your pet. We can provide food at additional cost per day.
  • Immunization records – please see the “Requirements” page
  • Medication – We can administer medications. We require specific written instructions along with the name of the medication.
  • Food and water dishes are not necessary. We provide stainless steel sanitized eating and drinking dishes.
  • Anything else that you may think will make your pet feel at home during their stay!

Rates are changed effective April 1, 2024:

Dogs – $34/day (includes playtime)  |  Cats – $20/day

At this time, we do NOT accept Credit or Debit Cards – Checks or Cash ONLY – at time of pick-up.

2024 Vacation: The kennel will be closed Tuesday, October 1st through Monday, October 7th.  We will re-open Tuesday, October 8th.